Creativity Mentor & Soulful Brand Design

Soft landing place for your creativity and wellness to coexist.

Return to a state of rest and clarity to enrich your creative, intuitive gifts.

Receive expert brand strategy and design support to infuse your offerings with your true essence in the digital realm.


Isabel Bagsik is a Filipina American creative who is energized by soulful conversations. After 10+ years of space holding, event organizing, and designing across diverse industries, Isabel is crafting heart-led experiences and projects at the intersection of creativity and wellness. She is here to guide you towards remembering your inherent creative gifts from a place of rest and ease.

Brown Papaya
Photoshoot 2017

In Bloom
Retreat 2019

Brown Papaya x BRWNGRLZ
Photoshoot Collab 2019

Join the Cosmos x @jayda_kissed
Monthly Community Event 2019


Cultivating our birthright of self-love, rest, and empowerment through intimate community gatherings and creative storytelling medicine for BIPOC women and LGBTQIA+ creatives, healers, caregivers, and disruptors.

Featured In

Worked With


Ready to create from a place of rest? Book a free clarity call to learn how I can support you.

Portrait of Filipina American peering behind branches

β€œThe intersection of creativity & wellness has saved me as a multidisciplinary creative.

After years of crafting my own creative and rest practices, I hope to guide you towards discovering yours.”

Isabel Bagsik β€’ Unconventional Bliss

Let's create together

Let's create together